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Q: How do you read the dll file within the aspnet program which the dll file is used to pass parameter between aspnet program?
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Does the confidence interval always contain the true population parameter?

No, the confidence interval (CI) doesn't always contain the true population parameter. A 95% CI means that there is a 95% probability that the population parameter falls within the specified CI.

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The ASP.NET worker process. Source:

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When you're running a component within aspnet what account is it running under on windows xp ---windows 2000 windows 2003?

It runs on ASPNET (IIS Default Account) found under AD or Users and Computers. The password is autogenerated and DO NOT change the password. If done, there is a document by MS to resolve the issue. Kind regards, Imtiaz Hasham SME IT Networks

Does the population mean have to fall within the confidence interval?

No. For instance, when you calculate a 95% confidence interval for a parameter this should be taken to mean that, if you were to repeat the entire procedure of sampling from the population and calculating the confidence interval many times then the collection of confidence intervals would include the given parameter 95% of the time. And sometimes the confidence intervals would not include the given parameter.