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Q: Where is expiration date on famous amos bite size cookies bag?
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Is the Famous Amos bite sized chocolate chip cookies halal?

The Muslim Consumer Group labels Famous Amos Bite Sized Chocolate Chip Cookies as halai when alcohol is not an added ingredient.

How big is a chickens brain after the cookie monster takes a bite out of it of course after he turns into a zobie?

Brains are not cookies.

Did Ted Bundy bite his victim?

The famous bite mark was found on the buttock of victim Lisa Levy.

What if you can't mix well the cookies?

If the cookie batter/dough is not mixed well, the separate ingredients will not be blended properly, which could leave lumps of shortening, flour and other ingredients, resulting in cookies that taste bad. No one wants to bite into a lump of salt or a glob of egg when eating cookies.

This is a logic puzzle How many cookies can you eat on an empty stomach?

You can only eat one bite because after you ate it your stomach wouldn't be empty anymore

What was Bessie griffin famous for?

Bessie blunt griffin was famous for her anti eating device for the solders that could not use there arms so they would bite on the tube so they would receive the food. one food per bite

A queen of ancient Egypt?

cleopatrashe was the most famous queen in Egypt and died of a snake bite!!

Who got bitten by an asp?

The most famous recipient of an asp bite was Cleopatra, or so legend has it.

What is the difference between crunchy and soft cookies?

Crunchy is used to describe the texture of food that is firm and solid but not hard and is has moisture or juice in it like vegetables and fruits. Crispy is used to describe food texture that is dry and crisp (but again not really hard - if you bite into it, it will break easily producing cracking sound. Hard items do not break easily when you bite it.) without any fluid content like biscuits and crackers.

What is an animal that bites?

Nearly all animals bite. A few famous biters are;CrocodileSnapping turtleLionHumansRattle snakes

Are there any actual bitefight cheats?

Gold Cheat If you really want more gold go to the graveyard and work for 8 hrs, then set the time on ur computer fro 8 hrs later, if you cant find the graveyard on the site then heres the link , if it doesnt work then refresh the page a few times Bite Cheat Copy your bite link Log out Delete Cookies(tools-delete browsing history) go to your bite link repeat

What is a good sentences for scent?

The scent of fresh baked cookies filled the room, tempting everyone to take a bite.