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Most knee ligament strains will feel better after ten to fourteen days, be stable for day to day activities in six weeks and be returned to normal tensile strenght in three months.

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Q: How do you recover from a knee ligament strain?
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What is and strain?

A sprain is an injury on a ligament. A ligament is what connects bones together. A ligament greats sprained when being stretched too far from its normal position. Ligaments are located in the ankle, knee, and wrist.A strain is when you injure a muscle or a tendon. Muscles make it to where you can move your skeleton in various ways.

What is a ligament strain?

Its a strain on the ligament, when you pull your ligament too far it strains the elasticity and it hurts cause its pulled too hard.

Which ligament of the knee initiates the knee-jerk reflex?

The patellar tendon, just underneath the kneecap

What is acl surgery?

ACL, or Anterior Cruciate Ligament surgery is an operative procedure on the knee. The ACL is a very important ligament that makes up part of the knee compartment and damage to this ligament warrants surgical intervention to fix the damaged ligament. The operative procedure lasts abround 2-4 hours and can take months to fully recover from.

What is an anterolateral ligament?

An anterolateral ligament is a ligament located on the outside front portion of the knee.

What ligament helps to bend your knee joint?

The ligament that helps to bend your knee joint is the anterior cruciate ligament. This ligament is often torn during exercise and is the one most often damaged when running.

What ligament is also known as the fibular collateral ligament?

The ligament known as the fibular collateral ligament is also referred to as the lateral collateral ligament (LCL). It is located on the outside of the knee joint and provides stability to the knee by preventing excessive sideways movement.

Where in your body would you find the cruciate ligament?

The cruciate ligament is found in your knee.

What are the results of overuse or overextension of a ligament?


Does the tibial collateral ligament provide medial or lateral support for the knee?

The tibial collateral ligament provides medial support for the knee. It's also called the medial collateral ligament.

Which ligament of the knee joint functions to provide lateral support?

fibular collateral ligament

What is the name of a ligament that is absent in approximately 40 percent of knees?

Transverse Ligament of Knee