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For IR, visible, and UV radiation; any shiny surface will do. For acoustic radiation, any massive smooth surface will do. For em radiation, any material with a very different dielectric constant from that of air will do. For ionizing radiation, there is a lot of money to be made from this discovery. That problem is yet (mainly) to be solved.

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Q: How do you reflect radiation?
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How is the sun reflecting it radiation into space?

The sun does not reflect its radiation into space.

What sort of radiation absorbs or reflect radiation?

It doesn't absorb clever. It penetrates, and it can penetrate paper, smoke, a layer of skin and thin aluminium.

Do mirrors reflect without light?

Mirrors reflect whether there is anything to reflect at the minute. Beside light they can also reflect heat radiation.

How might a thick puffy cloud reflect a different amount of the Sun's radiation than a thin wispy one?

Thick puffy cloud reflects suns radiation thick clouds reflect radiation keeping earth cool. Thin wispy cloud reflects sun radiation thin don't reflect as much radiation allowing the earth to warm.

Do clouds reflect sun's radiation?

Some of it but not all. They can also retain some types of radiation, especially thermal radiation.

What the fraction of radiation a surface can reflect is called?


What does radiation bounce off of?

Radiation can bounce off surfaces such as metal, mirrors, and other reflective materials. The ability of a material to reflect radiation depends on its composition and surface finish. Smooth and polished surfaces tend to reflect radiation more effectively than rough or absorbent surfaces.

How does volcanic ash in earths atmosphere effect solar radiation?

It increases the amount of solar radiation that reflect into space

How might a thick puffy cloud reflect a different amount of the suns radiation than a thin wispy one?

Thick puffy cloud reflects suns radiation thick clouds reflect radiation keeping earth cool. Thin wispy cloud reflects sun radiation thin don't reflect as much radiation allowing the earth to warm.

What color of the spectrum does a black road reflect?

A black road does not reflect any visible light, although it may reflect radiation at invisible wavelengths, such as heat.

How do clouds reflect heat to earth?

Cloud cover prevents IR radiation and light from escaping to space, preventing cooling by radiation.

Does black absorb or reflect?

Black absorbs light rather than reflecting it. This is because black objects absorb most of the light that hits them, which is then converted into heat energy. This is why black objects appear dark and can get warm when exposed to sunlight.