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Q: How do you remove bolt on harmonic balancer stuck 1998 Oldsmobile 88?
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How do you get a stuck harmonic balancer off?

You need a balancer puller to remove it , It don't just slide off.

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It takes a special puller to remove the balancer. Advance auto parts stores will loan it to you. It is called a harmonic balancer puller.

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Try putting a large socket on harmonic balancer and try to rotate engine slowly -- make sure in neutral if std.

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DEPENDS ON WHAT MOTOR YOU HAVE,BUT IF ITS A 3800 ITS RIGHT BEHIND THE BALANCER.MUST REMOVE THE BALANCER, THAN UNBOLT SENSOR BE SURE THAT WHEN YOU INSTALL IT... THAT THE RING ON THE BALANCER DOES NOT HIT THE SENSOR OUR YOU WILL BE DOING IT AGAIN. I got stuck at the harmonic balancer because on my 1996 98 regency elite it seems you have to take the engine mount bracket off because, one of the arms to the bracket is secured over the top of the sensor to the engine block maybe this will help someone avoid alot of work they might not be able to handle lol

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How do you remove crankshaft cover on 1998 Pontiac Transport van?

The crankshaft cover is the oil pan, and you remove it from underneath the vehicle. You saftely raise and secure the vehicle with proper blocks etc. Once raised, you make sure the engine is not hot, because you will be working with very hot oil if you don't. A hot oil burn is very painful, because it just keeps burning until you get it wiped off and get something cool on your skin. Drain the oil from the engine and remove all the bolts fron around the circumference of the oil pan. Some will be difficult to get at, but you can remove them and the pan. Sometimes, some models also require you to remove other pieces, and maybe Transmission cooling lines, or maybe even some wires that prevent you from doing the job. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you ment to say the Camsahft cover, that is an entirely different situation. That is located on the front of the engine ie. the end where the pulleys are. To remove that, it is easiest to safely block up the passenger side of the vehicle, remove the wheel and the inside of the fender well and other flashings to expose that end of the motor. You have to drain the cooling system, and you also must remove the belt, the battery, the water pump, the steering pump, air pump, and the A/C compressor, just to actually see the Camshaft cover. You have to strip all these parts off the front of the engine and anything else that prevents access to the bolts that hold the cover in place. Even after removing all that, you are still not finshed removing things that allow you to remove the cover. The next major thing to remove is the Harmonic Balancer which also part of the crankshaft pulley assembly. When you have gotten that far, you will see the head of a bolt in the center of the Harmonic balancer to remove. After removing that bolt, you now need a proper puller to remove the H-balancer. (don't scrimp on this puller, because you can actually pull the balancer part off of the entire assembly, if you try using other means to do it. The balancer is mounted on with a rubber and if you separate them, you will damage the function of the Harmonic Balancer (ie. it helps smooth out the engines crankshaft's vibrations due to the firing of the fuel mixture insde the cylinders) Finally you remove all the bolts fron the cover, and usually the cover is stuck onto the front of the engine, so you need to carefully pry it off.

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To remove the stuck spark plugs, you can break them loose and then start to get them tighter as you rotate them out. The ratchet wrench can also be used to remove the stuck spark plugs.

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