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Q: How do you remove educational version in tally?
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How do you use help button in tally educational version?

you don't

What islimitations in educational version of tally 9?

The Biggest LIMITATION In Educational mode you cant change the dates for your transactions

Is tally 4 the first version of tally?

tally first version is 3.0

Can you use educational version of tally in your business version?

no one cant use it in business as there are certainly vouchers for all the days and educational version does,nt allow you to enter vouchers other than 1st and 2nd day of every month

To change current date in Tally?

Press F2- Functional Key & Enter The Date

Why Tally is not accepting the date?

May be tally is not licensed version

How do you recognize educational version in tally?

educational version- unabel to update the software like if u enter account details of a particular date you cannot continue the same data in the preceding date. licenses version-it is good for update the data of the detail software transaction and u can recover the same if tit is corrupt.

Where to download tally 6.3?

where & how to download tally software version of 6.3

How to tally educational mode date change?

Hello friend, I am Bishvajeet kumar a/c manager. in educational version it not accepte all date it is accept in educational only 1st,2nd & 31st Dates only if it is licenced version it is accept all dated my email address is

What is the difference between tally 4.5 and tally 5.4?

tally4.5 is das based version and tally 5.4 is windows based.we maintain 5.4 version with inventory tally4.5 are not.

Which year tally's first version came in this World?

tally year 1988

To change voucher date in Tally 9?

in tally9 educational version it will accept only 1 , 2 and 31 dates of every month, it will not accept all the dates. the original professional version will accept all the dates.