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Dont think more about tht person...what any person do shout, fight nothing upon tht...So think positively and stop thinking what will tht person think or react everytime and in every situation.... and always smile it wil remove ur worries....

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Q: How do you remove fear of some person?
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What do you call some one with abnormal fear of fear?

A very courageous person

Is there a fear of Ice Cream?

i am sure that there is a fear of anything, really.. just a person has to have some experience to have that fear be there.

Can a person have fear and belief too?

Normally a person with 'fear' will seek refuge in 'belief'. If that 'belief ' can generate love, then the fear will lessen. Where there is fear, there is no love. Likewise, where there is love, there is no fear.

A person who has a fear of pain?

ponophobia is the fear of pain

What animal would a person fear if they have an ailurophobia?

The fear of cats

How can you experience fear?

If one wants to experience fear then they should do something that they are fearful of. Some people are fearful of heights so if they want the anxiety and the 'rush' then they should choose a site that is high to experience the fear. Each person has a fear of something and it is up to that individual to choose what fear they have, but, it is not always necessary to prove to oneself they have combated the fear. Example: If one has a fear of heights that person climbing a mountain and dangerously standing on the edge. A more practical example is if a person fears elevators and decides to take a friend along to go up one floor at a time until they get use to the fact there is nothing to fear and it does not endanger their lives. Adrenalin junkies face fear and can't get enough of it and it can become a psychological problem causing death in some cases.

What is a fear of a person with no eyebrows and eyelashes?

It is completely natural to fear such things.

What is aliophobia mean?

The word "Anglophobia" literally means a fear of pain. While some fear of pain is reasonable, a person who has this condition unreasonably and overwhelmingly fears all pain.

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fear of halloween

What are some adjectives that describe a person and begin with the letter X?

Xenophobic - dislike or fear of people from other countries

What is the fear of staring?

The fear of staring is that you might be stared back from the person Neeru:)

What makes a person scared of changing jobs and general changes in life?

Fear of the unknown = Fear of the uncertainty = Fear of change = Fear of failure ===