

How do you remove ketchup stains from kids' clothes?

Updated: 9/10/2019
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14y ago

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If the ketchup has dried you will want to remove the excess by scraping gently with a butter knife. Then sponge the stain with cool water and work a mild detergent (Dawn or Tide) will work. Rinse with cool water then pretreat the stain with a stain remover such as a Tide-To-Go pen. Wash and dry as usual.

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Q: How do you remove ketchup stains from kids' clothes?
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Is there any home based ketchup stain remover?

Clothes stains are a common problem and moreover ketchup stains in particular especially among kids. I am not sure if you have ever used any products like Vanish stain remover. If you use once, you will not worry next time your kid comes back with a stained shirt. These detergents are a powerful laundry agent. It is a great food or ketchup stain remover. It does with ease and leaves clothes new and fresh. It is also safe on coloured clothes.

Are ketchup stains easy to wash?

Yes they can be easy to wash away if timely action is taken. Ketchup stains are very common, especially among kids. Also ketchup sachets are used mainly during travel and in flights. Any spillage can substantially damage large portions of the fabric. Hence it is better to have a stain remover at hand.

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There are some stain-resistant and wrinkle-resistant kids' clothes, but also consider getting a color that hides stains well such as green.

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Grass stains can be the messiest when im sure sliding after that fall was a lot easier. There are many of ways to remove them, one way I like to live by is after rubbing the stain the is damped for alcohol (preferably denatured) or even damping the cloth with methylated spirit, before putting it in the wash should do the job!

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muratic acid will remove the stain. But, if you have kids you might want to try using some tide with bleach laundry detergent and a stiff broom. Wet the area of the stain and pour on the tide. With the broom scrub the stain and let set for about 5-10 mins..rinse of and reapply if it needs it. this will remove the stain and you don't have to worry about your kids getting into the acid.Brewski

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To get rid of grass stains you should treat the area before washing with diluted hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol. If it is still a noticeable stain try using some Dawn dish detergent that works wonders. Then wash and dry your clothing as usual.

How often should kids eat ketchup?

whenever they have hotdogs or fries

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Who pays for the kids clothes?

It is natural the person who is buying kids clothes will pay for their clothes. Also buyer must consider buying clothes that are comfortable for them.