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To remove salt stains from suede you will need a coarse brush and white vinegar. I found success with an electric toothbrush.

While over a sink with hot running water, I repeatedly dipped a toothbrush in vinegar and brushed my boots where needed. The steam from the hot water promotes better results. If the smell of vinegar bothers you, dilute it with an equal part of water.

After using the vinegar, I went over my boots a final time with the toothbrush using just hot water.

You will have to wait until the suede is entirely dry before deciding if the intended results were yielded. It's not uncommon to need to repeat the process once more before the stain is totally gone.

During the winter months protect your suede boots and shoes with a protective spray as often as once a week.

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Q: How do you remove salt stains on suede boots?
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salt stains is what happens when they get wet u can buy stuff to take the stains out or... water and vinegar, mix together. secret way to get rid of salt stains, works-- i use it on my uggs :)