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That's Why It's Called PERMANET?

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Q: How do you remove sharpie from your shoes?
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How do you get Sharpie out of white Converse shoes?

you can qet rubbinq alchol and keep rubbinq and it comes right off

How do you remove sharpie stains from desk?

Use a dry-erase marker to remove sharpie marks from a desk or dry eraser white board.

Why doesn't laundry detergent remove sharpie?

Laundry detergent doesn't remove Sharpie because Sharpie is water-resistant and most detergents are made and are used in water, so it would only make the ink fade. To get Sharpie out of clothes or something I would suggest rubbing alcohol.

Why does nail polish remover remove sharpie?

A Sharpie and nail polish remover have the same chemicals in them. Nail polish remover has the chemicals to remove that so it adapts also to Sharpies.

How do you keep black shoes from fading?

What I always do is take a black sharpie and color in wherever it's fading...

What solvent will remove a sharpie's ink better water vinegar or soap?


How do you erase sharpie off of paper?

You can remove grease pencils with a paper towel or your finger.

How do you remove sharpie from a star wars figure without taking out the paint?

You have to remove the liv trogtj nvor4hgrtewhgo and suck tmnythy lollipop

How do you remove marker from material?

I remove Sharpie marks by taking the Sharpie and a piece of dry cloth or dry paper toweling and apply the marked surface in small increments with the marker and wipe away before the marker dries again. In small increments works best and it will totally remove the marker from most surfaces that are not porous.

What do Japanese people do with their shoes when they go into a house?

It is a Japanese tradition to remove your shoes when entering the house.

Is there a household item to remove sharpie?

Any type of Hair Spray! It works on pretty much anything but paper!

How do you remove permanent sharpie marker from tile?

I believe that nail polish remover would take it off the tile.