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It's not so much of a bad taste as it is that our taste buds have become conditioned to steroids & other chemicals that are present in commercial meat and a there is isually a lack of proper aging of the game meat. Fresh, unaged, beef has a much different taste than properly aged beef has. * Vinegar and water will do the trick. Soak the meat in a mixture of vinegar and water to remove, or at least to reduce, the "gaminess" in wild animal meat. Sauces can also help. Most contain some amount of vinegar. * Or, Smoke the meat and infuse it with hickory, mesquite, pecan or your own particular favorite flavor. * Age the meat properly. Bon appetit. if the wild game was feild dressed properly, u will not have a gamey taste Try soaking it in buttermilk overnight. The lactose in the buttermilk will remove the wild taste. It is recommended to do fish the same way.

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Q: How do you remove the bad taste of wild game meat?
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Game in cooking refers to the meat from wild animals, such as deer, wild turkey, and wild rabbit.

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> you would call it meat or plants or 'game'.

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Does sour milk reduce gaminess of wild meat as well as buttermilk?

There is a chemical difference between sour milk and buttermilk. The most traditional uses are buttermilk, vinegar, and wine. Sour milk can easily be configured to buttermilk by adding a bit of salt and vinegar. However marinate at your own risk while using sour milk to remove the taste of game, it has often times replace one bad taste for another.

What does venison literally mean?

'venison' does not exst in French. The approaching 'venaison' means "meat of wild animal hunted for food / game meat"

Why dress wild game?

You MUST dress wild game. You may not know what this means. It means to clean or disembowel the animal. If you don't, the meat will be useless. The fore mentioned answer is for field dressing. Complete dressing includes the above plus removal of the hide and head. If the entrails are left in an animal the bacteria in the bowel and other organs will infect the meat and ruin it. If the temperature is high you will need to keep it cool. But you do not want an un-processed animal (not cut up for consumption) to freeze if at all possible as this to cause the meat to taste strange