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I had a tongue piercing for awhile, but now I took it away. Just like you I wanted to have it back so I went to the local piercing studio and let them do it, it's just like the first time you take it, just easier - Since they'll already have a hole to stick it it. So get the piercing-shop to do it!

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If the hole has only shrunk minimally then it is possible to simply push the jewellery through, stretching the hole slightly and reopening it. This should only be done with smooth jewellery - do not try this with an externally threaded barbell (if your jewellery has an ending which resembles a screw, don't use it to stretch).

However, if this is more than a little painful then the hole has closed too much to be reopened. Allow the piercing to heal completely and see your friendly neighbourhood piercer to have it re-pierced.

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Q: How do you reopen a tongue ring hole that has closed up?
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What if your lip hole closed when your ring is there?

It can't close if it has a ring in it stupid

When you get your tongue pirced do they have use the needle or can they just put the ring in?

Well the only way to put anything into a tongue is to use a needle to pierce the tongue first then put a barbell into the newly pierced hole. (Please quit calling it a tongue ring, it's a barbell and not a ring).

Can you take your tonuge ring out while it swollen?

yes you can but just make sure you put it back it because if you don't your hole will close back up and it do try to find your hole and take your tongue ring a twist the ring back into the hole

How long can you leave a tongue ring out?

I wouldn't leave it out for no more than a few mins cause the tongue heals real fast and the hole can close up pretty quick..i've had my tongue peirced twice cause the hole closed up that quick...well i left it out for a day or so and couldn't get the jewelry back in.You may beable to get by at least 30 min without it completely closing

How can you reopen tragus ring hole?

If its already closing, either go to your piercer for them to repierce it now, or let it heal and repierce it then. Don;t try it yourself

Does a tongue ring hole close up?

It depends on how long you had it in. ( a week yes probably.. 5 months no)

You had your tongue ring for about 8 months if you take it out for a day will the hole close up?

It's possible that the hole could partially close up in a day, but it may not fully close depending on how long you had the tongue ring in for. The longer you had the tongue ring, the longer it may take for the hole to close completely.

How long it takes 4 a tongue ring hole two close?

It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for a tongue ring hole to close completely. The healing time can vary depending on individual factors such as the length of time the piercing was in place, how well it was cared for, and individual healing processes.

How long for a 8 year tongue ring hole to close?

After 8 years chances are good it's permanent at this point.

If you take out and eyebrow ring will the hole stay visible?

Yes until the tissue shrinks closed on it's own.

What is this white ring under your tongue?

I don't have a white ring under my tongue.

Why do you have a small scab on the front of your tongue ring hole?

The barbell is too long for your mouth, step the barbell down and that should go away.