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After 8 years chances are good it's permanent at this point.

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Q: How long for a 8 year tongue ring hole to close?
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Does a tongue ring hole close up?

It depends on how long you had it in. ( a week yes probably.. 5 months no)

You had your tongue ring for about 8 months if you take it out for a day will the hole close up?

It's possible that the hole could partially close up in a day, but it may not fully close depending on how long you had the tongue ring in for. The longer you had the tongue ring, the longer it may take for the hole to close completely.

Can you take your tonuge ring out while it swollen?

yes you can but just make sure you put it back it because if you don't your hole will close back up and it do try to find your hole and take your tongue ring a twist the ring back into the hole

Can you put your tongue ring back in after you have had it out for a long time?

Many times, the hole will close and you will to get it pierced again. However, sometimes you can still slide it in, it's a case-to-case basis.

How long do I have to keep a tongue piercing in before you can take it out to hide it from my parents?

I took mine out about a week in and replaced it with a clear bar, but they tell you you should wait a minimum of 2 wks before you remove the original bar. You can't keep the bar out or the hole will close. It's only a matter of minutes before it will close so I don't advise you to take it out and keep it out. Just replace it with a tongue retainer. You can google them. Also, it doesn't matter how long you've had the piercing, your tongue heals quickly and the hole will close. I know someone who had their tongue piercing for 10 yrs but when she took her tongue ring out it only took about half an hour before the hole started closing.

With a tongue ring is it normal for you tongue to close over the ball under your tongue?

No, its not. Go see your piercer.

How long can you leave a tongue ring out?

I wouldn't leave it out for no more than a few mins cause the tongue heals real fast and the hole can close up pretty quick..i've had my tongue peirced twice cause the hole closed up that quick...well i left it out for a day or so and couldn't get the jewelry back in.You may beable to get by at least 30 min without it completely closing

What if your lip hole closed when your ring is there?

It can't close if it has a ring in it stupid

Why do you have a small scab on the front of your tongue ring hole?

The barbell is too long for your mouth, step the barbell down and that should go away.

When you get your tongue pirced do they have use the needle or can they just put the ring in?

Well the only way to put anything into a tongue is to use a needle to pierce the tongue first then put a barbell into the newly pierced hole. (Please quit calling it a tongue ring, it's a barbell and not a ring).

Why is the area around your tongue ring hard The meat around my tongue ring is kind of thick and hard I have had it pierced for almost 5 weeks I believe so what's goin on?

I have had my tongue ring for almost 10 years, and I have a small hard spot close to the tongue ring. I think it is just the tongues version of scar tissue. It hardens up to protect itself from the tongue ring being there. And I even have a round indention on the top of my tongue from the ball pushing down for so long. Hope this helps you!

How long does it take for a tongue ring to close up?

Depends on how long you had the piercing before removing the jewellery.