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My hair used to be really nice and straight and lovely and silky, then for some stupid reason i started straightening it when it didnt even need straightening, now i have to straighten my hair to get it straight because now it goes wavy. But it doesnt always stay straight when i straighten it now because its heat damadged and broken !! whereas my hair used to be naturally straight!! i miss my naturally straight hair what do i do to get it back to how it was???? someone please help!

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Q: How do you repair broken heat damaged hair?
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Can you bleach your hair then straighten it?

You can, but make sure to use a heat protectant, otherwise your hair will get very damaged and broken.

What is the easiest way to repair damaged hair?

The easiest way to repair damaged hair is to get it cut and then avoid heat or chemical damage. If cutting is not an option, supplements, semi-permanent coloring, and treatments like conditioning can help.

What to do if wet hair are ironed?

You should never iron wet hair. This dries it out and the hair can become brittle and damaged. Use a heat-protecting spray before blow drying and ironing or wait for your hair to air dry, then use a heat-protecting spray before ironing.To repair damaged hair, try using a leave-in conditioner daily.

How do you get rid of heat damage hair?

A healthy haircut is the only thing that can get rid of heat damaged hair.

What does blow drying the hair do over time?

Your hair will be dry, damaged, and broken off. Its very unhealthy. Its just like straightening it all the time. Try air dyring or low heat.

What are the best options to help repair hair damaged from dryer heat and split ends?

There is a really good hair product you can buy from John Freida. It is their night serum. Put it on your hair before you go to bed. It works wonders.

How does heat effect hair?

when you heat the hair up it becomes more damaged and split ends become more visable

What are some tips to help damaged hair?

The first step to healing damaged hair includes cutting off split ends which is the damaged ends of one's hair. To avoid and heal damaged hair, one should avoid using heat on the hair and hair products that contain sulfates and silicons.

How do you sort out damaged hair?

If you have split ends, get your hair cut or it won't grow any longer. You can buy treatments and masks specifically for damaged hair, and make sure you protect it before you heat style it. Don't heat style your hair often; ideally not at all.

How do you repair damaged hair?

Hair can become damaged by using too much heat on it (i.e. blow dryer, straightener, curling iron etc.), bleach, perms and dyes. These can cause breakage to your hair and split ends. I have the very same problem due to bleaching. There are some things you can do to make it look better until your hair grows out. You can moisturize by using egg yolks, mayo, and olive oil. Or just go to the store and pick up some hair care products for damaged hair. I suggest doing a deep conditioner once a week or a leave in conditioner. Either or. These things will only make your hair look better, it won't fix the problem. Bottom line, you need to cut the damaged hair off and let the new, healthy hair grow in. I know most people (me included) are not thrilled about this, so until it grows out just deep condition your hair and stop using heat appliances. AIR DRY YOUR HAIR!! It is a must.

Can your hair get damaged if it is straightened too often?

Yes. The heat will damage your hair and cause the ends to split eventually. It dries out your hair a lot.

How heat protectors act to protect hair?

Your hair is made up of proteins and moisture, every time you apply heat to your hair, it's sucking out that moisture. Your hair can become heat damaged from as little as one blow dry a week. Hair that is heat damaged becomes dry, brittle, frizzy, dull and split ends . The only way to prevent this happening is through the use of heat protectants. Heat protectant products apply a light coating over the entire hair shaft, sealing off the cuticle. It works much like sunscreen does to our skin.