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you answer that you will come and ask for the proper time to arrive (merci ; c'est très gentil de votre part. A quelle heure devons nous arriver ?)
or you anwer that you cannot come for whatever reason (previous engagement, ect..)
(nous vous remercions de votre invitation ; nous sommes désolés de ne pouvoir accepter / de ne pas pouvoir venir, car nous serons en voyage ...)

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Q: How do you reply in french to an invitation?
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What is an abbreviated request for a reply to an invitation?

R.S.V.P. which is an abbreviation of the French, "respondez s'il vous plait," or "Please reply" in English.

What does rvsp represent in an invitation?

R.S.V.P. stands for "répondez s'il vous plaît" which in French means "Please reply"

Why RSVP is written on invitation cards?

R.S.V.P. stands for the French phrase "répondez, s'il vous plaît," or "please reply."

What does RSVP stands for french?

Répondez s'il vous plaît It means, "Please reply". If you receive an invitation with that abbreviation on it, you're socially obligated to reply to the sender in time for him or her to make plans.

What does RSVP meen?

R.S.V.P. stands for a French phrase, "répondez, s'il vous plaît," which means "please reply." The person sending the invitation wo­uld like you to tell him or her whether you accept or decline the invitation.

What does rsvp stand for on invitation cards?

It is the initials of the French phrase ' Repond s'il vous plait'. In English ' Reply if you please'.

What is the French word for invitation?

The French word for "invitation" is (drum roll, please): "invitation."

How do you say send an invitation in French?

to send an invitation is 'envoyer une invitation' in French.

How do you answer a residency interview invitation?

To formally reply to a residency interview invitation, write your reply in formal business style. It is a good idea to phone the person who contacted you for the interview and accept the invitation, unless the invitation was given directly to you on the phone and you accepted on the phone at the time.

What does reply mean?

Please reply to our invitation by September, 1, 2012. He raised his hand to reply to the teacher's question.

Does RSVP mean reply not necessary?

No, quite the opposite. R.S.V.P. stands for the French phrase, "répondez, s'il vous plaît," which literally translates to "respond if you please," or more simply, "please respond." The phrase is used in the sense of an invitation: the sender is asking for a reply indicating whether or not the invitee accepts the invitation.

How do you reply to a housewarming ceremony invitation?

If you receive a housewarming ceremony invitation, you have two choices. You can write a short note accepting the invitation or you can decline.