

How do you resend neighbor request?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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13y ago

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You go back to farm ville and press add neighbors. If they have not answered you squall down the page to after where your neighbors are and it some say something like pending neighbor request you press cancel request and go back to the top and add them as a neighbor as normal

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13y ago
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They will remain pending until they accept your neighbor request. But you won't know whether they ignored your request or not. Try to message them and ask them to accept the request that you sent for them to appear in your neighbor's list.

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Yes, but you will have to call L'oreal to make the request. Once you submit your request for coupons and they email you the coupons, you cannot resubmit the coupon-request form using the same email address. If you call and explain, they will likely send you more coupons either by snail mail or email.

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I would recommend that you ask, "Please re-send" rather than "Can you resend".