

How do you restrain a kid?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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I would hold their arms while another person held the legs

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A synonym of restrain is confine. An antonym for restrain is release.

What is the meaning of restrain?

of Restrain

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Restrain means to hold back.

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A prefix for strain could be "re-" as in "restrain" or "un-" as in "unstrain."

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Reins and halters are two things that can be used to restrain horses.

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You are not allowed to restrain another adult ever. You are allowed to defend yourself and your family, but you should escape rather than seek to restrain someone.

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The homophone of "restrain" is "rein." These two words have different meanings but are pronounced the same way.

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For the police, they usually use HANDCUFFS to restrain a prisoner.