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Use the URL to open the resource as a stream (like you would open any local file by name)

$file = fopen("", "r");

fpassthru($file); // or fgets etc...


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Q: How do you retrieve external webpages using PHP?
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How do you block swear words on webpages?

Using PHP for example and the string replacement attributed to replace the swear words with *** or something.

How can you publish webpages by saving them to what in excel 2007?

Webpages usually end in one if these extensions: .php .html .htm .aspx

Is PHP related to the internet?

Yes, a major part of the Internet is web pages that can be viewed using a browser of your choice such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. PHP is one of many languages that can be used to generate dynamic webpages to displayed to website users. Most users of the internet don't write PHP, but they do access pages that are generated using it.

What is the use of php in seo?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is used for webpages be it php, or perl. Not the other way round.

How do you equate a php variable to a javascript variable?

Ideal thing would be to retrieve the value from PHP using AJAX and then assigning it to a java script variable. Thereafter compare it to the java script variable that is already present.

What does an index php signify?

PHP is an open-source scripting language used to code websites and webpages. An index php is a page used on a web server as the main frontpage for the website.

Can I Access RSS Feed of any blog site using PHP script?

Using content fetchers such as cURL or the file_get_contents function, you can fetch and retrieve the contents of the RSS feed. Then you can parse the data using XML parsers to generate usable data that can be processed by your script. In short, it is possible to access any published RSS feed using PHP.

What is the difference between simple php and core php?

The terms "simple PHP" and "core PHP" are not commonly used in the web development community, but based on the context, we can provide an explanation of what they might refer to: Simple PHP: "Simple PHP" is a vague term that could refer to using basic PHP syntax and features without incorporating any advanced frameworks or libraries. In this context, "simple PHP" typically means writing PHP code without relying on additional tools or external dependencies. It implies a straightforward and minimalistic approach to PHP development. Core PHP: "Core PHP" refers to the fundamental and essential features of the PHP programming language itself. Core PHP includes the core functions, language constructs, and syntax provided by PHP without the use of any external libraries or frameworks. It involves writing PHP code in its purest form, utilizing the features and functionalities offered by the PHP language without any additional abstractions. In summary, "simple PHP" suggests a minimalistic approach to PHP development, while "core PHP" focuses on utilizing the essential features and syntax of the PHP language itself without relying on external dependencies. It's worth noting that both terms are not widely used, and their exact definitions may vary depending on the context and the individuals using them.

Why we use php?

PHP is a web programming language . It is majorly used in web applications. \ It is used for creating dynamic webpages that interact with the user . PHP offers many advantages; it is fast, stable, secure, easy to use and open source

How do you retrieve values from database?

It depends on what database are you using. There are some ways in PHP but the most common of them are PHP native database driver and PDO. PHP native database driver is a collection of functions to communicate with a particular DBMS, they usually have the DBMS name prefixed in the function name. For example, driver functions for MySQL have mysql_* prefix.

Can anyone make changes in webpages by selecting view source?

No, no one can make changes to your webpages, or anyone's webpages, by using the browser's View Source function, ever. That is merely there to show the user, usually a developer, the code behind the page displayed (or parsed by PHP pages, etc). They cannot make changes to your site this way. Those changes require access to your web server/host.

Does android supports PHP?

It supports websites made on php but not coding in php. There are workarounds for coding in PHP using Android.