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Q: How do you retrive the userid from database when form is submitted and the image name is also change with that userid in php mysql?
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Miss Rapidshare userid and password and mail id?

U lost ur userid and pw of rapidshare??? Well no way to retrive it back just buy a new one since u also lost ur email id

How do you get data from a MySQL database with PHP according to a method id?

For example if we have database named "users", and we need user information from table "user_info", which has next parameters: 'userId', 'userName','Name','Age'. $sel = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users.user_info WHERE userId='$methodId'"); $ar = mysql_fetch_array($sel); echo " User Id is:".$ar['userId'].", UserName: ".$ar['userName'].", Name: ".$ar['Name'].", Age: ".$ar['Age']." ";

How do you change a userid in wiki answers?

You can request a new username by emailing

Explain how to login used in websites to use websites?

The user name & password is stored in a database. The info is fetched from the Signup/Registration process and stored in the database. When the user wants to log in, he enters the UserID and password used in the registration. Then the system checks if there is any entry with the UserID and Password in the database. If yes the user is logged in. If not, the user gets an error message. This is the core logic of "login." There are many additional methods to enhance security e.g. SSL, encryption, etc.

Do you have to configure your router every time you change your Internet Service Provider?

Yes, at the very least to enter your userID and password.

What is the userid of the superuser?

The userid of the superuser is always 0. See the `id` command: `id -u root` yields 0.

Can you provide a Linux shell script that prints the current user ID?

#/bin/bash export UNAME=`whoami` export USERID=`id -u $UNAME` echo $USERID

How many filters can you save in CCIMS under your userid?


How do you see files in home directory in solaris?

Several ways to do this. If you just want to see what the files are, you could use: ls $HOME ls ~ ls /home/userid, where userid is your logon account

How do you get past Yahoo Mail verification code?

Enter a correct userID and Password.

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Where on my laptop does windows store information from folders I place on the desktop screen?

C:\Users\your - userID\Desktop