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Q: How do you rub out the ink stabilo rollerball left handed?
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Why is it illegal to be left handed?

It is not illegal. Well its not quite illegal to be left handed now a days. But back then (1900's) it was illegal. It was illegal to be left handed because left handed people would smear their writing back then they used ink and if you were left handed you would smear the ink while writing and people wouldn't be able to understand what your writing .Another reason why is cause there wasn't very many left handed people back then and if you were left handed you would be different to everyone. Plus left handed people were considered different and don't know anything kind of person all though that is not true im lefty myself. anyways if you were left handed you'd be beaten with a ruler and you'd be punished it was terrible. but now a days lefty's are treated just like how right handed people were back then :)

Can people correctly determine if a person is left handed or right handed just by looking at the persons handwriting?

give two people fountain pens and tell them to write something ... the left handed persons will be smugged across the page and they will have ink on the side of their hand :)

Who was the famous artist who wrote backwards?

Yes. This is because he was left handed, and his ink didn't smudge. ~H2W

What is the amount of ink in a pen?

The amount of ink in a pen can vary depending on the type and brand of the pen. Typically, a standard ballpoint pen can hold around 1.4 to 1.5 milliliters of ink. Gel pens and rollerball pens may hold slightly less ink due to their liquid nature.

Which pen brand run out of ink the fastest?

The ink consumption of a pen can vary based on factors such as writing style, ink capacity, and tip size. In general, gel pens tend to run out of ink faster compared to ballpoint or rollerball pens due to their thicker ink consistency. However, individual experiences may vary.

Does the hand that you write with affect how you write?

Yes, the hand you write with can affect how you write. Left-handed individuals may have a different writing posture and hand movement compared to right-handed individuals, which can influence handwriting style and legibility. Additionally, left-handed writers may smudge ink or pencil marks as they write due to the natural hand movement from left to right.

When was red pens invented?

The red pen began as early as the 17th century when medieval European scribes created red ink, for writing with writing instruments. In 1931, Parker Quink Ink began manufacturing ink in a variety of colors, including red for rollerball and pens.

What is the difference between a rollerball pen and a ballpoint pen?

The main difference is in the ink formulation and how it dispenses. Rollerball pens use liquid ink that flows more smoothly and produces a richer color, while ballpoint pens use a thicker, oil-based ink that requires more pressure to write and dries quickly. Rollerball pens generally provide a more fluid writing experience, but may be prone to smudging due to their wetter ink.

What is the pen?

A pen is a writing instrument that uses ink to write on surfaces such as paper. It consists of a thin tube (barrel) that holds the ink and a small metal ball at the tip that delivers the ink as you write. Pens come in various types such as ballpoint, rollerball, and fountain pens.

How do you describe a pen?

A pen is a writing tool that uses ink to create marks on paper. It typically consists of a thin cylindrical shaft containing the ink, a ballpoint or tip at one end that dispenses the ink, and a mechanism to control the flow of ink onto the paper. Pens come in various types, such as ballpoint, rollerball, fountain pen, and gel pen.

Why was stradlater mad about holdens composition?

Holden writes about his dead younger brother Allie left-handed fielder's mitt. Allie had poems written all around it in green ink.

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