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Q: How do you save a multi-player game of Age of Empires gold addition?
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Can you play multiplayer with Age of Empires Conquerors using Age of Empires Gold Edition?

If you are referring to the AOE II Gold Edition then yes. The Gold edition is simply a package containing AOE II and the Conquorers Expansion so they are both the same program.

In are of empires 2 gold can you play just Age of Empires age of kings?

Yes you can and its a very good game saing its old :)

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WoW Gold is an example of a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. It's the fourth game of the War craft PC game series and was released in 2004.

How does one use gold in World of Warcraft?

There are many uses for gold in the massively multiplayer online role playing game known as World of Warcraft. One of the most popular uses for gold is for buying in-game armor and weaponry.

How do you become a gold member in social empires?

You must buy at least 25 Social Cash in the game. No exceptions.

Do you need original Age of Empires to play Age of Empires 2 Gold edition?

the 2 game are completely diffrent you can have them both but u need aoe3 to get warchiefs and Asian dienstys and soon.

What is the different between 'ages of empires iii' and 'ages of empires gold edition'?

Gold edition is that you get The War Chiefs in bonus. I personally recommend it.

How do you turn on gold guns in red dead multiplayer?

You have to do all of the challenges for the weapon you want gold from what i can remember, but there isn't anything to just turn on gold weapons without doing the challenges in multiplayer

What is the gold glitch on roman empires?

There is none

How many CD are there in Age of Empires 2 gold edition?

2... Age of Empires age of Kings & Age of Empires Conquers Expansion

Why were the Spanish explorers interested in conquering the Aztecs and Inca empires?

They wanted to capture the empires' gold and resources.

Why were the Spanish explorers interested in conquering the Aztec and Inca empires?

They wanted to capture the empires' gold and resources.