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all trophys (achievements r 4 xbox) for the ps3 are automatically saved online but u need 2b signed into ur PSN account 4 this 2 happen. I platinumed 3 games wile my internet was down, deleted the save data and lost all trophys so beware!!

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Q: How do you save you achievements on EyePets on the PS3?
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How do you save a game in Final Fantasy X2?

by clicking the save button (.)(.) -__-

How can you get deleted progress back on Gta4 on PS3?

ya can't unless you made a save before it

How do you save in Wild ARMs for the psone I downloaded it from the Playstation Network onto my PS3 and I am so far and it won't save?

Make sure you have created a ps1 memory card in your ps3 harddrive. im not by my PS3 but im pretty sure its in the game tab up top. just look around the menu for something to create a memory card.

How do you get a PS3 fast?

uh, trade in old games and gamestop or ebgames or just save up for one..

Can fallout 3 be coped onto a thumb drive and then played on a different ps3?

The game itself cannot be copied onto a thumb drive. In order to play Fallout 3 on another PS3, you need to take the original game disc and insert it into the second PS3. After the game installs, you will be able to play Fallout 3 on either PS3, so long as you have the game disc inserted. You can, however, transfer Fallout 3 save files to a thumb drive and transfer the individual save files between two PS3s. On the XMB (Cross Media Bar) go the Games section, and select the icon which says Saved Data Utility. Find your Fallout 3 save file and hit triangle. Select copy with the thumb drive (labeled as USB drive on the PS3) as your destination. After this is done, you can remove the thumb drive and switch it to the second PS3. On the second PS3, again go the Games section of the XMB. Choose the Saved Data Utility, but instead of scrolling to find a game, find the USB Drive icon and press triangle. Copy the save file you want from the thumb drive to your second PS3, and you should be good to go.

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No not the the Move Eyepet The PS3 Move Eyepet will not even work on a PS3 without the Console having the PS3 eye camera Move controller and latest PS3 system updates

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Some people might want EyePets to be pregnant, but No EyePets Cannot get pregnant.

Can you get achievements for PS3?

The PS3 has trophies

Do you get achevments on PS3?

Yes, you do get achievements! These achievements can be found in games that you play, online, and offline. These achievements can be viewed in your achievements section.

Do you need a memory card for a ps3 to save?

No the PS3 has a harddrive to save

Does the PS3 have gamer achievements?

Yes, but they are not called achievements. They are equal to achievements an are called trophies. Only certain games on the ps3 have achivements, most of the new ones. Not all games have trophies, but the games that do, share the same trophies as xbox 360 achievements. There are bronze for easy achievements, silver for medium, gold for hard achievements, and platnium if you get all the achievements for 1 game, which is hard to do. Godfather 2 is very easy to do it, however.

How do you save games on a 60gb ps3?

click save

Can you able to save games to PS3?

Yes you can save games and you can download games from the PlayStation store and store them on the PS3 harddrive

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The PS3 song is a parody of the song 'How to Save a Life'by The Fray.

How do you save your game in stranglehold on PS3?

click on the save button!

Do you get awards on PS3?

Yes, they have tropies which are similar to the xbox 360's achievements.

Can you get xbox live on ps3?

You don't have a gamerscore but depending on the achievements you have you get trophy levels.