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un mal de tête, une migraine

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Q: How do you say 'Head Ache' in french?
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How do yu say head in french?

"the head" is 'la tête" (fem.) in French.

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How do you say head in French?

la tete :)

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a head ache.

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perroquet tête

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Il a une tête

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What is the spanish words for ache?

There is no way to say "ache" if you are referring to your head or something like that. The proper way to say "I have a headache" would be to say "Me duele la cabeza." "Me duele" translates to "something is paining me." When you add the object doing the hurting to the end of the sentence, you are saying that "la cabeza" is hurting you.

How do you get out of going to a baseball game?

fake a head ache