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"I just lost the Game." It's a universal language.

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acabo de perder el juego

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Q: How do you say 'I just lost the game' in Spanish?
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How do you say 'they lost the game' in Spanish?

perdieron el juego

What to say when your boyfriend lost a game?

You just say "I'm sorry you lost!" If he played a good game, compliment him on how hard he tried, but don't say "good game" if he was goofing off and deserved to lose.

Why does people say you lost the game?

they say it because its a game going around the world, and its just for fun, dont worry in 30 minutes you can restart the game.

How do you say we lost in spanish?


How do you lose the game?

You lose the game if you think about it. When you lose it, no matter where you are, you have to say "I just lost the game!" out loud. After you say that, everyone in the room or car or whatever, can't lose the game for 30 hours. And, being given only thirty minutes to forget about the game, it's impossible to win.(MWOHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!) also, you can't tell someone "You just lost the game!", unless they said they did. If you say that they lost the game, you already lost it because you thought of it first. Also, you can never not play the game. If you say "I'm not going to play the game anymore", you're lying. First of all, you just lost it after saying that. Second of all, you just can't forget about the game. There's no way.There are three main rules to The Game. Everyone in the world is playing The Game. (Sometimes narrowed to: "Everybody in the world who knows about The Game is playing The Game", or alternatively, "You are always playing The Game.")There's no escape!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and one more thing...........I just lost the game.

How do you say 'i lost satellite' in spanish?

"Perdí señal" is "I lost satellite"

How do you say you are lost in Spanish?

Estoy perdido.

How do you say we were lost in Spanish?

Estuvimos perdidos.

How do you say i got lost in spanish?

me perdí ...

How do you say i am lost in spanish?

estoy perdido ...

How do you say you lost it in Spanish?

Lo perdiste.

What do you say to someone if they lost their baseball game?

this is just one of the many bumps in the road to success.