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Q: How do you say Holy Spirit in French?
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How do you invite holy spirit in?

Say 'I invite the holy spirit in' and the holy spirit will come in

How do you say holy spirit in latin?

The term "Holy Spirit" in Latin is "Spiritum Sanctum."

How do you say holi in French?

The word for holy is "saint" (masc) or "sainte" (fem) For example Le Saint Esprit is the Holy Spirit. La Sainte Chapelle is the Holy Chapel.

If you say Jesus possessed by the holy spirit are you in trouble?

No, saying that Jesus was possessed by the Holy Spirit is a common belief in Christian theology. It reflects the understanding that Jesus, as both divine and human, was empowered by the Holy Spirit in his ministry on earth.

What does the priest say when the candidate receives the holy spirit in confirmation?

The priest will say "be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit" and the candidates will reply "Amen" :)

How do you explain to youth the importance of the Holy Spirit?

say the holy words

How do you say thank you to holy spirit?

Thank you.

What is Hebrew Ruha Holy Spirit?

If you are asking how to say Holy spirit in Hebrew, it's Ruach ha kodesh. (רוח הקודש)

How do you say Holy Spirit in Dutch?

Heilige Geest.

How do you say Holy Spirit in German?

Heiliger Geist

Title of the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit doesn't really have a title per say. He is known as the spiritual guider that God gives His followers so they can better understand Him and the Holy Spirit guides us in God's ways. Holy Spirit Titles: Paraclete, Comforter, Spirit of Truth.

What is the infuence of the Holy Spirit on the human authors of the Bible?

The Holy Spirit inspires the authors and they write what God wants them to say without violating their will.