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Je dois réserver ma place

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Q: How do you say I need to reserve my seat in french?
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Related questions

How do you say reserved in french?

On ce dit reserve

How do you say I need an eraser in French?

J'ai besoin d'une gomme is French for I need an eraser.

How do you say no need in French?

"pas besoin"

How do you say Tamara in French?

I don't need to answer you, just buy a french dictionary

How do you say he does not need it in French?

He does not need it is "il n'en a pas besoin".

How do you say - we need an invoice - in French?

We need an invoice is translated: 'nous avons besoin d'une facture' in French.

How do you say you need in french?

The noun "need" is "(le) besoin" in French. The verb "to need" is "avoir besoin de" in French.

How do you say sofa in french?

"le sofa" or "le canapé"

How do you say i need a French teacher in French?

J'ai besoin d'un professeur de français

How do you say 'I need love' in french?

J'ai besoin d'amour.

How say we need in french?

To say "we need" in French, you would say "nous avons besoin".

How do you say in french you will need?

'vous aurez besoin de'