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The adjective multus, which means "much" in the singular and "many" in the plural, can be used to translate English "a lot of." Since a Latin adjective has to agree with the noun it modifies in number (singular or plural), gender (masculine, feminine or neuter) and case (nominative, vocative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative), multus will take different endings depending on how that noun is used in a sentence. For example, "A lot of people speak English" is Multi homines Anglice loquuntur.

The Romans were fond of litotes, which is to say expressing an idea by negating its opposite. This is not unknown in English (we say "not bad" to mean "pretty good"), but it was pervasive in classical Latin. Thus another way to express "a lot" in Latin is non pauci, which is literally "not a few" (the use of paucus in the singular is possible but very rare). Non pauci homines Anglice loquuntur.

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