

How do you say animal or pet in Hawaiian?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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animal = holohona

(There is no native Hawaiian word for pet, as in an animal kept in the home as part of the family)

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How do say animal in Hawaiian?

Aloha: Say holoholona

How do you say pet Hawaiian?

Oddly enough, we do not use this word as it is in english. We simply say the word for the pet (dog, cat, etc). 1. A 'pet' favorite is Punahele [poo-na-hay-lay], 2. a pet animal is hānai ā huhu [hay-n-I A hoo-loo], 3. and to pet something (like to pet someone's hair) is hamo [ha-mo]

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Mon animal est marron / brun

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it is your opinion but i would say that the most unpopular pet in the world is an animal that lives in a zoo

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iakona - is how to say Jason in Hawaiian.

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A pet is a animal that humans have. A wild animal is a animal that lives outdoors. A bear is a wild animal. A cat is a pet.

To say i don't have a pet in french?

At school I have been taught: "Je nai pas de animal" is how to say "I don't have a pet" in French!

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j'ai un animal familier