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Plan d'Affaires

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Q: How do you say business plan in french?
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What do you say business in french?

'Business' in French is 'affaires'.

What section does the US Business Administration say is the most important part of a strategic business plan?

A business plan is an outline for your business. The executive summary is the section of a strategic business plan that the U.S. Business Administration say is the most important part of the plan.

How do you say town plan in french?

Town plan translates to French as 'plan de la ville'

How do you say plan in french?


How you do say fantastic plan in french?

un plan fantastique

How do you say business card in French?

a business card is "une carte de visite" in French.

How do say what is your plan of study in french?

Quel est votre plan d'etude

How do you say business program in french?

programme d'affaires

How do you say map of Paris in french?

Un plan de Paris.

How do you say business studies in french?

les sciences humainesle sciences socials= social studies. How I know is from my french teacher, and my french textbook!

How do you say to do business in french?

c'est faire les affaires

How do you say metro map in French?

a metro map is "un plan du métro" in French.