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Шах и мат (shah i mat).

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Q: How do you say check mate in Russian?
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How do you say mate in Russian?

MAT (ma-T)

How do you say check mate in a lot of languages?


If a king causes to be killed does the player have to say check mate?

Not if they already know the game is over.

How do you mate Russian tortoises?

they get on top of the girl tortoise

Can a king take another chess piece in checkmate?

Depends by which rules and standards you are going by. Some say no and if you take another piece to get out of check-mate then it was technically just check, other rules state that its check-mate if all other avenues of movement are blocked and the only way out of check-mate is to take the piece then yes it is possible.

How do you check gages?

check mate

How do you say hello soul mate in Russian?

Directly translated, you would say "привет, душа друг", which is said as "Privyet, dusha droog". Keep in mind, "Привет" is an informal way of saying hello, however saying "hello soul mate", I doubt you need to be overly formal about it!

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To say sweetheart in Russian you say dorogaya. To say I love you in Russian you would say, Ya lyublyu tebya.

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this how you say animal in Russian животное

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Джиттербаг is how you say jitterbug in Russian

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