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chashka kofe

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Q: How do you say cup of coffee in in rssun?
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Related questions

How do you ask someone for a cup of coffee?

You just go up to them and say..."May I please have a cup of coffee?"

How do you say coffee cup in Irish?

cupán caife

How do you say cup of coffee in french?

tasse de café

How do you say a cup of coffee in french?

Une tasse de café.

What does the bottom of the cup say in round and round?


Is the sentence May you bring me a cup of coffee gramatically correct?

Yes, the sentence "May you bring me a cup of coffee?" is grammatically correct. It is a polite way to request someone to bring you a cup of coffee.

How do you get a hot cup of coffee from a coffee maker?

you ask for a cup of hot coffee.

What costs more the coffee or the coffee cup?

This will depend on the quality/grade of the coffee and the value of the coffee cup. For example, if you drink normal coffee with a cup made of gold and decorated with diamonds, then the cup will cost more than the coffee.

What is the meaning of the idiomatic expression over a cup of coffee?

If you're talking over a cup of coffee, you have a cup of coffee on the table in front of you -- you're talking while drinking coffee. Lots of people have informal chats in coffee houses, or while having a meal or snack.

What is radius of coffee cup?

It depends on the size of the coffee cup.

What is the meaning of the idiomatic expression the cup of coffee?

"The cup of coffee" is not an idiom that I know of. It just means a cup full of coffee.

How can you determine if your are drinking a good cup of coffee versus an excellent cup of coffee?

A cup of coffee that is good is enjoyable[alright], but an excellent one makes you want to dance like Michael Jackson!!! The reason I say this is because nothing is better in the morning like a good old fashion cup of coffee! The best brands to me are Folgers, Starbucks, and Maxwell's House.