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"Est-ce que vous avez un chat ou un chien ?" or "avez-vous un chat ou un chien ?" are the translations for "do you have a cat or a dog?" in French.

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Q: How do you say do you have a cat or a dog in French?
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How do you say cat or dog in French?

A cat is "un chat" (masc.); a dog is "un chien" (masc.).

What is your cat in French?

Cat in French is 'chat' and is not to get confused with 'chien' which is a dog.

How do you say i did have a cat and a dog in french?

j'ai eu un chat et un chien

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cat and dog.

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the way you say "i have a pet cat" in French is "J'ai un chat"

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The Cat Story in French is "L'histoire De Chat"

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"Small cat" in French is Un petit chat.

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A Persian cat is "un chat persan" in French.

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"The skinny cat" is "le chat maigre" in French.