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aht rotsah lihyot hachaverah sheli (את רוצה להיות החברה שלי)

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Q: How do you say do you want to be my girlfriend in Hebrew?
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What does it mean when you say i want you to your girlfriend?

When you say "i want you" to your girlfriend that means you want to have sex with her.

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How do you say do you want to in Hebrew?

you say it like this ata rotse?

In Zelda sim date how do you get Zelda to be your girlfriend?

Say "Do you want to be my girlfriend?".

This boy said he wants you to be his girlfriend does that make you his girlfriend?

Only if you want to be his girlfriend. it does if u say yes

When do you get a girlfriend?

As a girl I say maybe nine. #nineismyage!#That'swhy!

How do you say want a girlfriend in icelandic?

kærasta or vinkona

How do you say island in Hebrew and how do you say desire in Hebrew?

hello, island is 'e' in Hebrew (like 'eai' if you want) if you ment the verb "to desire", the translation is "lakhshok". if yot want to conbine the words: the island of disire- 'eay hakheshek'

How you can get a fat girlfriend?

why do you want one? you can go search it i guess on google say: How to get a fat girlfriend

What do you say when your girlfriend says I don't want to talk to you?

what did i do wrong

How do you say im alex girl friend?

You say "I'm Alex' girlfriend." If you want to translate that into another language you have to say which language you want to say it in.

How do you tell your girlfriend that you want to make her pregnant?

Maybe ask her to marry you and say you want a family. that is if you want