insuficiente dinero
Question is not clear enough to answer.
Ya basta
Translation: No, eso es suficiente
Para siempre no es suficiente.
to say "he has" you would simply say "él tiene" Hope that's enough information. Zak
Basta means 'enough' but not enough in the sense of 'sufficient' It's something you would say, for example, if someone was bothering you and you wanted to say "Enough already!"
Strangely enough, there is no word in Spanish to represent sock. To say socks in Spanish, you say "medias", but you cannot say "media" because media means 30, as in 2:30.
Hablo español / castellano básico como parasobrevivir / salir adelante / comunicarme (could be one of the thousand ways to say it).
ya soy sufficiente para ti.
You can say "Odio que no puedo hablar suficiente (en espanol)".