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Te quiero mucho y estoy muy agradecida de tener una abuela y abuelo como tu.

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Q: How do you say i love you vary muck and i am glad to have a grandma and grandpa like you in Spanish?
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if grandma doesn't like grandpa. What do i do?

ask grandma to love grandpa if say no say i wont love you anymore and i will call a case of husband abuse and then she will love grandpa

Why does grandpa ignore grandma?

he dosent like his grandson

What are the icelandic words for grandma and grandpa and how are they pronounced?

Grandma: amma. Pronounced like 'Emma', except no e sound, just a, as in 'father'. Grandpa: afi. Pronounced 'avi' a as in 'father', v as in 'werewolf?' and i as in 'incomprehensible'

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Some old grandma names are Breanna Dailey Amanda Obiren Kara kerrdevyn gill Mr.Simmons Cara Eggertgrandmanannyfartface and some other ones are avalible like elinoreand fransicJordan neffpoopyou know the grandma names they are great name your grandma/grandpa one of these names today!!!!AnswerSome Great Grandma names are Breanna Dailey Amanda Obrien Devyn Gill Kara Kerr Cara Eggert Carol Mr. Simmons Mr.Vogty Mrs.Cutey Jordan neff elinore Francis oldfart susen Patt patt my grandma Irgine Car Oil... these are some great grandma/grandpa namesname your grandpa or grandma one of these names today :D

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your mom your dad your grandma your grandpa and your moms mom haha lame like u

You look like your grandma in spanish?

Te pareces a tu abuela.

How do you translate grandpa into spanish?

grandfather is abuelo, grampa would be like "abue", which is shorter.

Who is the head of household amongst Asian Americans?

i guess the oldest man in the household. Like you live with your mom, dad, grandpa, and grandma, the head of the household would be your grandpa. (But he has to live with you for that to work.)

Can you give me examples of merism?

Hello, a merism could be somthing like this: father, mother, daughter, son, grandma and grandpa instead of just saying the word: family.

Is gamechap real?

Yes he is, he is a real life person. If you mean he talks like that IRL, No... He is a normal britishman that it seems to be that his grandpa and grandma did talk like that. I'm not so sure Hope this answered your question

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I don't really know but my grandparents know. my grandpa just died monday so now it's my grandma. I'll ask her tonight. They are flat like everywhere else

Who was the first governor of of WA?

The first governor of WA was Elijah p. Ferry. How do i know well he is my great grandmas great grandpa he had 2 children boy and a girl and .his son had my great grandmas momwhich had my grandma my dad looks like Elijah so does my grandpa.