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If it's a issue of personal safety or thereabouts, you may say 'tasukete kudasai.' If it's simply a task you need help with, you may say 'tetsudatte kudasai.' (More polite variants: 'Tasukete itadakemasen ka' and 'tetsudatte itadakemasen ka' as well as 'tasukete moraemasu ka/kuremasu ka' and 'tetsudatte moraemasu ka/kuremasu ka.' Add 'chotto' to the beginning to imply that you just need a little favor.

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12y ago

Japanese doesn't really have an equivalent to the way "one" is used in this context. In Japanese, if it's understood what you want, you may simply say 'hoshii na,' written: 欲しいな Or 'are hoshii,' written: あれ欲しい

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11y ago

There are quite a few different ways to say this sentence in Japanese. Some common ways are:

- 何か手伝うことがありますか (nanika testudau koto ga arimasu ka)

- 何かお役に立ちますか (nanika oyaku ni tachimasu ka)

- 手伝いましょうか (tetsudaimashou ka)

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13y ago

'Anata ga suki desu' simply means 'I like you/I care for you'. "Anata no koto wo daijini suru' means 'I hold you dear/You're important to me'.

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anata ga hitsuyō desu

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kanojyo ni natte kudasai

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Dozo Onegai or Te kudasai.

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15y ago

"Soba ni itai" is how you may say it.

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