

Best Answer

Te voy a borrar de mi lista de amigos.

And, if you want it to be better.

Te voy a borrar de mi lista de amigos. Hijo de la gran puta.

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How do you delete a friend?

On most websites, you can delete a friend by going to your friends list and choosing the option to delete. You may have to go to the friends page and find the option to delete.

How do you delete people from your friends' list on TinierMe?

Well you click on the friends' list you want to delete or highlight it and press DELETE

If you delete someone from your friends list on tagged are you automatically deleted from their friends list?

Yes you are!

How do you delete mutual friends list?

you cant

What happens when you delete your wizard on wizard101 does it get erased from your friends' list?

Yes. It may delete from your friends list, but if you make the same charactor with the same name it will not appear on the list either.

How do you delete habboon?

I don't understand your question. It's either how to delete your 'friends' or your user. You cannot delete your user, although you can be banned and never to use it again if it's permanent. If you want to delete your Habboon friends, I'll list it out for you:- On the bottom right corner, you can see friends listbutton. Click it and it will show you the list of friends you have.- Select the amount of friends you want to delete. If you want to delete your offline friends, you click others and it will reveal other friends you have who is offline.- After selecting the amount of friends, there's a cross button on the friends list box. That is the button for deleting the friends that you have selected.- Click it and it will ask you if you're sure you want to delete. Press yes if you're sure, or no if you want to cancel it.- The amount of 'friends' you have selected is deleted from your list and that is how you delete your friends.Hope this helps :-)

How do you delete people from your friends list on facebook?

You can go on their profile, scroll down, and on the left, there should be an unfriend button. You can also click on your friends list on your profile and there is an "x" =delete

How do you delete friends on friend list on binweevils?

press deleted

How do you delete friends on Nintendo 3ds?

well,go on your friends list go to a friend card.Look upper right and you'll find the icon "Delete Friends"

How do you delete friends off tagged?

Go to your friends list, and click the (X) on their picture.

How do you delete people from your friends list on MySpace?

To delete friends off your myspace go on home page, then next to profile there is the word "friends" click on it then over to the right in the middle click on edit friends Check off the friend you want to delete and then click Delete Selected Friends.

Can you delete friends on transformice?

To delete a friend on Transformice, just go to where your profile picture is and Click "Menu." It will bring up a list, on the list should be a thing that says "Friends." Click on this and press the "x" button on the friend that you want to delete.