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c'est pas grave

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Q: How do you say it doesn't matter in french?
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How do you say he doesnt have in french?

"il n'a pas"

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to nie ma znaczenia

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Votre Anniversaire *it doesnt mean your anniversery*******

How do you say it doesnt matter in Spanish?

No importa, or no tiene nada qué ver.

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The french revolution influence us to make people know about liberty,equality and fraternity.

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zac efron likes any girl t hats his type it doesnt matter if your french or not just be his type

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"elle n'aime pas les chats"

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"qu'est-ce qu'il y a?"

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it really doesnt matter, just say you were born in 1990

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It doesnt Matter but some people say sunlight is.

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i think it is 10 grams but people say it doesnt matter

What is 'no-matter-what-they-say'-in-french?

"peu importe ce qu'ils disent"