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La vida loca

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15y ago

viviendo la vida loca

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In spanish what does Loca mean?

La loca means crazy and mad(person as well as life). In this case, it would apply to a female or feminine subject - "la vida loca" - the crazy life.

What does vieja loca mean in Spanish?


What does mas loco mean in spanish?

"Mas loco" in Spanish translates to "crazier" or "more crazy" in English.

What does tu es muyyy loca mean?

It means "You are very crazy" in Spanish.

What does la la la mean in Swedish?

The phrase "viva la vida loca" is not Swedish, but Spanish. Viva usually means "long live..." or" up with..." in Spanish, while "la vida loca" means "the crazy life". Therefore, this sentence can be translated as "long live the crazy life" in English.

What does laquita mean in spanish?

it means "loco" little crazy

What does loko loka mean in spanish?

That would be nonsense or slang. Choco is perhaps short for chocolate. Loco is Spanish for crazy.This is purely speculation, but it perhaps means crazy chocolate. What that might mean is anyone's guess.

What does 'la vida loca' mean?

vida loca means crazy life and you is an English word nearly there, we did it in class. viva la vida loca means live the crazzy life, so it is basically saying you live the crazy life :)

What does viva la vida loca mean in swedish?

The phrase "viva la vida loca" is not Swedish, but Spanish. Viva usually means "long live..." or" up with..." in Spanish, while "la vida loca" means "the crazy life". Therefore, this sentence can be translated as "long live the crazy life" in English.

What does Livinla vida loca mean?

Living the crazy life Living the crazy life

What does su loca mean?

"Su loca" in Spanish translates to "her crazy" in English. It is used to describe someone or something that is deemed crazy or wild.

How do you say mom is crazy in Spanish?

It depends on how you mean it. If you mean "Mom is crazy." it would be "Mamí está loca." If you mean "Mom is clinically crazy." (she is in a mental institution) it would be "Mamí es loca."