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Mens (mentis, f.) or Animus (animi, m.)

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Q: How do you say mind in Latin?
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How do you say gross in latin?

The Latin word is 'grossus' meaning thick or coarse, referring to either the food or the mind. Grossus is not classical Latin

How do you say so passes the glory of the mind in latin?

Sic transit gloria mentis.

How do you say I am without mind and him in Latin?

Ego sum sine mente et sine eo

What is 'mind' when translated from English to Latin?

"Mind" in English is mens in Latin.

What Latin stem does means mind?

In Latin, the word 'mens" means mind.

How do you say no rest for the wicked in latin?

nemo malus felix- translates to "peace does not visit the guilty mind"

What is the latin root for mind?

I honestly dont think there is a latin root for mind.... sorry :(

How do you say positive thinking in latin?

no negativity can translate to nullus negativa reference:

What is mind in Latin?


Does psychovore mean mind-consumer in Greek and Latin?

Yes. Psychovore does mean mind-consumer in Greek and Latin.

How do you say helmet in Latin?

you say helmet in latin (casco)<- in latin

What is the Latin translation of 'in the mind'?

In mente.