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"Mon monstre a cinq longues jambes."

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Q: How do you say my monster has 5 long legs in French?
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How do you say Monster High in French?

"monstrueusement haut"

How do you say sea monster in french?

monstre marin

How do you say metal legs in french?

metal legs is translated 'jambes de métal' in French.

How do you say two legs in french?

deux jambes

How do you say love monster in french?

I'm not really sure what a "love monster" is... maybe bête d'amour?

How do you say I'm a monster in french?

Je suis un monstre.

How do you say she has 5 legs in French?

Elle a cinq jambes.

How do you say socks monster in french?

the sock monster would be spelled "le monstre des chaussettes" in French. But it seems a very American thing - maybe French simply never lose their socks?

What can you say about a monster with five legs?

The punchline to this joke is that "his pants fit him like a glove."

What is the answer to page 1.8 in punchline Algebra book A what can you say about a monster with five legs?

His pants fit him like a glove.

How do you say the pigeon have two legs in french?

pigeons ont les jambes

How do you say in French 'we have sore legs'?

"nous avons mal aux jambes"