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"Natural Resources" in Spanish is "recursos naturales". It is pronounced "ray-KOOR-sos nah-too-RAH-lace". Please see this site for confirmation of the translation:

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Q: How do you say natural resources in spanish?
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How do you translate natural resources in spanish?

Recursos Naturales

How can compare natural resources in Tennessee?

i would say about 50% of Tennessee is natural resources.

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I gotta say Nigeria has mad natural resources. I mean JACKPOT!

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I'd say trees plants and animals. And you could tell whales were a part of these Natural Resources.

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The human population has used natural resources. Some say the population has depleted, or nearly depleted, some natural resources, but others deny that.

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Spanish uniforms were made out of cow skin and other animal skins

Are environmental scientists unconcerned with methods to preserve natural resources?

It would be false to say environmental scientists are unconcerned with methods to preserve natural resources. Persevering natural resources is a priority among many environmental scientists.

Are natural resources and resources the samething?

No Beacause Most Natural Resources Are Natural And The Resources That Are Not Are Just Resources

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How do you say natural science in Spanish?

ciencias de la naturalesa