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elle est mesquine, c'est une garce

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Q: How do you say she is mean in french?
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Do you mean 'how do you say the lessons in french'? Because that's les leçons

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Do you mean "how do you say older in French?". Because that would be 'plus agée'

What does has mean in French?

"Has" is not French. If you mean How do you say "has" in French, it is "a". It's the third person in singular from the verb "avoir" Il a = He has; Elle a = She has.

What does the french word wavy mean?

the french say ondule for wavy

How do you say cantoloupe in french?

If you mean canteloupe it is the same word in french.

What does we mean in French?

The French equivalent of the English word, we, is: nous.So, to say, we are, you would say, nous sommes.

Ho do you say mean in FRENCH?


What does 'je dis' mean in french?

"I say"