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Q: How do you say sincere in spanish?
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How do you say with sincere thanks in Spanish?

con sinceras gracias

What does el amigo mean in spanish?

Your friend is sincere. The friend is sincere.

What do you do if he say's he loves you?

Tell him if you Love him or not. if he's being sincere then he deserves a sincere answer.

How do you say with sincere gratitude in German?

with sincere gratitude in German is "in aufrichtiger Dankbarkeit"

Is in sincere appreciation correct Or should it be with sincere appreciation?

"With sincere appreciation" is the correct phrase. It indicates that the appreciation is accompanied by sincerity.

What is sincere in spanish?

sincero/a(s) (male/female(plural))

Do you do if you don't know the answer to a question?

YOU SAY AM SO SORRY I DONT KNOW (say it with sincere)

What is another way to say your honest?

"Truthful" or "sincere."

What is the word 'sincere' when translated from English to Japanese?

You may say 'seijitsu.'

What some things to say to girls you like?

Complement her shoes, her hair. Just be nice and sincere... but not too sincereA different view:As in the above answer: "but not too sincere"? You should always be sincere, otherwise you will fast become known as a fake.

What is the comparative degree of sincere?

The comparative degree of sincere is more sincere.

What is sentence for sincere?

A sincere person is always respected for his sincerity. This is the sincere approach to make a sentence with the word 'sincere'.he was sincere in his efforts to please