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precioso precioso

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Q: How do you say the word precious in spanish?
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To say Sarah my dogs are precious in Spanish you say Sarah mis perros preciosos and to say tracker in Spanish you say seguidor

How you say precious in English?

If you are a Spanish-speaker and want to know how to pronounce the English word "Precious": 'pre-' is much as in 'precioso, preferible, etc.' '-cious' is pronounced 'shuss' (the 'u' not as in Spanish, more like Spanish 'a') PREshuss

How do you say the word precious flower in spanish?

Las flores moradas.

How do you say hello precious in spanish?

Hola Preciosa!(;

How do you write precious in spanish?

English: Precious Spanish: Preciosos

How do you say the word me or you in spanish?

The word me in spanish is mi. The word word for you is tu.

How do you say the word in in Spanish?

The word "in" in Spanish is spelled "en."

How do you say the name Sierra in Spanish?

Sierra is the Spanish word for "mountain" or "mountain range". It already is a Spanish word, but to say it as a Spanish word, remember to roll the "rr".

What is 5 in Spanish do not say 5 is the Spanish word?

5 in Spanish is "cinco". You cannot say "five" because that is an English word, not Spanish.

How do you say kacen in Spanish?

That is not a word in Spanish

How do you say bra in spanish?

To say bra in spanish is the word "Sostan"

How do you say the word pencil in Spanish?

The word for pencil in Spanish is "lápiz".