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Q: How do you say today dedication and baptism are required for us to dwell in Jehovah's secret place in Greenlandic?
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What is dedication relation with baptism?

its what jesus did

What is the most significant a baptism or a dedication?

to be become a new creature and also to be free away from the past sin

Does baptist church have infant baptism?

If infant baptism is considered part of salvation then the baptist church does not do it. Some baptist churches will have an infant dedication that sets aside those that will assist in the christian training of the youth. This may include the laying on of hands, prayer of dedication and a re-dedication of those that are related to the infant. An infant is not considered a church member until the decision is made by the individual to accept Jesus as Savior and request membership.

Which denomination practice infant dedication and believers baptism?

This practice started with Anabaptist. It is practiced by most churches called Baptist today.

Do Jehovah's Witnesses have baptism ceremonies?

Our baptisms are conducted at our larger gatherings known as assemblies and conventions. The baptism is not done in a ritualistic way as one would imagine a typical ceremony, but it is a ceremony nonetheless. Before one is baptised, they would have already taken in knowledge of Jehovah and his son, Jesus Christ. They would have also made whatever changes are necessary in their lives to bring their lives in harmony with God's laws as outlined in the Bible. They would have also made a personal dedication in their heart to do Jehovah God's will and expressed that desire to him personally in prayer. By the time the actual baptism takes place, they will be firmly rooted in their faith and dedication to Jehovah, so the baptism is actually a public declaration of the dedication that was already made by the person in their own heart. The baptism itself is very simple. It is by complete water immersion as Jesus demonstarted in the Jordan River in the year 29. The actual baptism act itself only lasts a few seconds.

What is infant Baptist?

In a baptist church infant baptism is a dedication of the adults associated with the infant to the raising of the child in the faith. To some the infant baptism is an answer to a theological question of about carnal sin passed from the parents and ancestors so the child begins clean, fresh, justified and sanctified.

What influence Jesus' teachings have on Jesus?

Jesus provided an example for us when he made a personal choice to do God's will. Because he had been born into the dedicated nation of Israel, he was already dedicated to God. Still, at his baptism he did something more than what was required under the Law. God's Word indicates that he said: "Look! I am come . . . to do your will, O God." (Heb. 10:7; Luke 3:21) So Jesus' baptism symbolized his presentation of himself to God for the doing of his Father's will. His followers imitate his example when they offer themselves for baptism. However, in their case, water baptism is a public demonstration that they have made a personal dedication to God in prayer.

What is the difference between a baptism and a dedication?

In most Protestant denominations, a "dedication" is a ceremony for an infant or a young child, and basically represents the parents making a public declaration that they want to bring the child up in that faith (depending on the age of the child at the time, they may or may not understand what is going on). A baptism (again: in most Protestant denominations), by contrast, is a ceremony where the person being baptized has made a personal decision to follow Christ and wishes to make that decision public by undergoing baptism. The reason I've specified "Protestant" up to now is that Roman Catholics, and a few other sects, baptize infants. Some Protestants don't consider infant baptism to have any real meaning and may insist that new converts be baptized as adults, even if they were previously members of a faith which practiced infant baptism.

How does infant baptism show commitment?

Infant baptism shows commitment through the family, into which they promise to raise the infant as a Christian. Since it is believed that all humans are born sinners because they are from sinners, infant baptism is a dedication of faith. However since the child is not old enough to dedicate his or her own life, the family stands up for the child. It is through conformation as the child becomes older, that he or she will rededicate their life to Christ.

What is the first sacrament that Catholic Christians receive?

Baptism. It is required before any other sacrament is received. All sacraments give grace.

What is believer baptism?

Believer's baptism (occasionally called credobaptism) is theChristian practice of baptism as this is understood by many Protestant churches, especially those that descend from the Anabaptist tradition. An adult or teenager is baptized in response to his or her personal conviction (decision to follow Jesus Christ) and as admission into a local community of faith. It may be contrasted to infant baptism (pedobaptism or paedobaptism, from the Greek paido meaning "child"), in which young children are baptized. Such baptisms are performed in various manners: baptism by immersion is more common than by aspersion.

What will baptism do?

It depends on what type of baptism. Spiritual baptism is being immersed in the Holy Spirit when a person accepts Jesus Christ as the Son of God and asks for forgiveness of their sins. It is necessary for salvation and everlasting life in heaven. On the other hand, water baptism is used to pronounce a saved person's public profession of faith to fellow believers through Jesus's example. If a person has already been spiritually baptized and becomes a Christian, water baptism is recommended but not required. Some churches believe that water baptism is essential to salvation also, but, in the Bible, Jesus clearly states that only spiritual baptism is necessary.