

How do you say where are you from in Spanish formally?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Translation: ¿De dónde es Ud.?

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Q: How do you say where are you from in Spanish formally?
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You can say "¿Dónde estás?", or more formally, "¿Dónde está usted?"

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This depends on what your trying to say. If you are talking informally you would use (tú) when talking formally you would use (usted or in shortened form ud.)

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If you mean to say " I really like you" in Spanish it's, "me gusta a ti mucho/a/muchisimo!" Less formally, especially in Spain, people just say "me gustas mucho." If you mean to say "I'm very similar to you." the Spanish equivalent is "Te parezco mucho."

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"No me lo digas." (if you're speaking informally) "No me lo diga (usted)." (if you're speaking formally)

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If you mean La Paz, Bolivia, the main language spoken there is Spanish. In Spanish, you might say "Hola" (informal), or, more formally, "buenos días" (in the morning) or "buenas tardes" (in the afternoon).

How do you formally say goodbye to a teacher in Spanish?

Because there is no verb involved in "Goodbye," you can simply say "Adiós" just as you would with any other person. If you are really looking to be super formal, you can say "Me despido de usted," but it's not something that is commonly said in the Spanish language.

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Hola, don/donna _________