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je veux être juste des amis

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Q: How do you say you just want to be friends in french?
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How do you say wona be best friends in french?

I'm assuming you mean, 'how do you say "want to be best friends" in french?' if so:voulons être les meilleurs amis?

How can you tell someone that likes you that you just want to be friends?

All you do is say, "You know... I kinda just want to be friends, you know..."

How do you say friends in french language?

it means : friends :amis friend amibut if you want to say compnions its copine for girls and copin for boys.

How do you turn a guy down without hurting your friendship?

Just say that you only want to be friends and that there are other girls out there. Just say that you only want to be friends and that there are other girls out there.

How do you say will you be your girlfriend in french and how to pronounce it?

Why do you care? I'm French and if your girlfriend is french, just pretend ! Gawd you just want to say it so you can impress her and you'll get her.

If you want to ask someone to be your best friend and your scared if they say no or want to be someone else's or doesn't want to choose between friends what do you say?

Say "that's ok, can we still just be friends?"

How do you write 'me and my friends' in french?

mon amis et moi: my friends and i or just say "nous" meaning us/we.

How do you say you don't want to be friends In French?

Je ne veux pas être amis

How do you tell someone that you just want to be friend without hurting them?

You just have to say that you dont want to let this get in the way of are friendship and then say but i just want to be friends,hope that ok?

How do you say no to a guy after he's asked you out?

You say sorry but i just want to be friends. Or sorry but no.

How can you tell if you are friends with benefits or your friends and lovers?

Ask the person directly if they want to be in a relationship with you. If they say no, then you are just fwb. If they say they already are, then you know your answer. Or just ask them this question yourself and then ask them what they want to be.

How do you give a girl the message that you don't like her?

Speaking on behalf of girls it would be preferred if we didn't catch you french kissing another girl. Just say to her that you don't feel the same way about her as she does to you, and hopefully you can be friends. If you don't want to be friends with her then just say that you don't want to be enemies because you didn't have certain affections for her. Hope this helps!