

How do you say you like to go swimming in french?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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it is: je prefere nager

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Q: How do you say you like to go swimming in french?
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How do you say 'to go swimming' in French?

"To swim" is "nager" pronounced "nahj-ay"

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Je veux aller nager

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Deux personnes vont nager.

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swimming (noun) = la natation to say you are swimmming as a sport = "je fais de la natation" to swim = nager I go swimming = je vais nager

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j'aimerais aller ...

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Je suis allé nager with an acute accent on the e.

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May we go swimming - podemos nadar juntos?

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You say, "We go to swim." "Vamos a nadar."

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vous aimez y aller

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Je voudrais manger.

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It is J'aime aller à l'école