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Q: How do you see deleted vines?
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Can you get back vines you deleted on accident?

I believe so. I have no personal experience with Vine but if you properly save the Vine I think you can get it back if you deleted it.

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Deleted scraps are lost forever. You can't see them once they're deleted.

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How do you get sprocket out of the vines on steamworks island?

If you look down, you'll see three windows where the vines sprouted from. Go down and click on them to snap the vines and free him.

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You can't look at neopets that have been deleted.

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leafy green vines

How do you view deleted Facebook statuses?

You cannot see the deleted posts/statuses on Facebook.

How can you see all deleted browing history?

u cant that's why its called DELETED

How do you see a post that someone had on Craigslist and then deleted it?

Unless you saved a screenshot, once it's deleted, it's gone.

How do you get scared vines on Petpet Park?

Go inside Cyodrake temple an on the to u will see light green leaves with little vines. Walk up underneath it and click it.

Can you recover deleted emails on yahoo?

Yes,deleted emails go into the the trash folder on the left pane of the email window. Just click on it to see the deleted email

How can you see the deleted message in facebook?

Don't delete them